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Movies from the 1970s and 1980s 

Stigma (1972)

Director: David E. Durston  Actors:  Philip Michael Thomas, Harlan Cary Poe, Josie Johnson, Peter H. Clune, William Magerman, Connie Van Es...

Director: David E. Durston 
Actors: Philip Michael Thomas, Harlan Cary Poe, Josie Johnson, Peter H. Clune, William Magerman, Connie Van Ess, 'Cousin Brucie' Morrow, Richard Geisman, Raina Barrett, Kevin Andre, Rhonda Fultz, Kathleen Joyce, Jean Parker, Edwin Mills, James Grace  
Genres: Drama,  Thriller 
Country: USA  
Release Year: 1972  
Duration: 1 h 33 min 
Synopsis: A knowledgeable- doctor, Calvin Crosse  moves to a secluded community and soon discovers a deadly virus affecting the young town's people. What is more disturbing, is the conspiracy to protect this epidemic when he tries to cure those infected{full_page}